How to Find Blog Post Ideas?

Bloggers need to constantly publish new posts.

Sometimes, you are at a complete loss when looking for blog post ideas. When you have been blogging for a while, you run out of fresh topics.

Maybe, you have just started a blog and want to generate a list of topics for blogposts. You do need a content calendar.

How do you find blog post ideas?

You can easily generate blog post ideas with little help.

In this article, let us explore ways to generate blog post ideas.

1) Read & explore

Stay on top of your niche. Follow other blogs and websites that cover your topics.

When you keep exploring, you will always get new ideas. There’s no harm in taking cue from other bloggers and coming up with your own blog ideas.

2) Niche forums

Join forums and talk boards in your niche. One of the popular places is Reddit. You can find dedicated forums for almost all topics. You can also join social media groups such as Facebook groups.

Read the questions posted by others. You can use such support questions to come up with your blog topics.

Occasionally, you can find industry news in these forums.

3) Keyword research

Don’t have any fresh topic to blog about? Search for your broad blog topics in Google. Look at the keyword suggestions for new ideas.

Can you find any questions in the search results? Is there something else that your readers might find useful?

In-depth keyword research can help you discover even better keywords. Look at the keywords with decent monthly search volumes.

Keywords with good volume and low competition can be great for blog posts that rank in Google and drive traffic to your blog.

4) Google Trends

Google Trends can help you find new keywords and blog topics. Search for your niche in Google trends. Explore the trending searches.

It’s a great source of new ideas and blog post generator as these trends are real search queries on Google.

5) News alerts

Google News can be a great source of ideas and inspiration for several niches.

Create a news alert with your keywords. Keep the frequency of emails to 1-2 a day, unless you have a constantly updated blog. Too many emails can become a nuisance.

Once you have the news alert, you will be able to stay informed. Use the news updates to come up with your own blog post ideas.